Patrick Lugo, also known as PLUGO, is the co-creator of The Comics Fu show on YouTube and the creator of A Tiger's Tale issues 1 and 2. In this second interview with Patrick on Two Geeks Talking, we discuss showcasing A Tiger's Tale in the Sun Art Gallery in San Francisco, coming back to the comic after the lockdown of the pandemic, and how the Comics Fu show got started. The show includes a section called "Stump the Martial Arts Master" to engage the community of the show. More information about A Tiger's Tale can be found on the website and the Kickstarter page
Two Geeks Talking
Entertainment interviews where everyone has a story to tell. Since 2008, Kurt Sasso has been talking with over 1200+ creative people in the Entertainment industry in Comics, TV/Film, Music & Video Games. It’s like Inside the Actors Studio but all of Entertainment talking with Celebrities.
Entertainment interviews where everyone has a story to tell. Since 2008, Kurt Sasso has been talking with over 1200+ creative people in the Entertainment industry in Comics, TV/Film, Music & Video Games. It’s like Inside the Actors Studio but all of Entertainment talking with Celebrities.Listen on
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